Ok *deep breath* women are trained to be v uncomfortable discussing this but I want to demonstrate something re clothing sizes bc it's given so much power in our heads.

Here are 5 shirts I wear, piled smallest->biggest. In that order, they're XL, L, L, 3XL, 2XL. It's farcical.
I happen to be about average-sized; at Universal Standard I'm an M. I recently talked abt the dehumanizing & inaccurate story peddled by the weight loss industry; this is adjacent to that. If I'm the biggest woman you're willing to sell to (& most women's tshirts top out at 2XL),
if your understanding of women's bodies is that I'm 3 sizes up from a "large" woman & anything more is beyond the scope of your manufacturing capacity, you're being very loud about the humanity of any woman my size & bigger - we're so contemptible YOU DON'T EVEN WANT OUR MONEY.
I recently had opportunity to get a nice fleece from a big outdoor wear company as a gift - but the women's XL was too small, & that was it. Nothing bigger. I could've gotten a men's but a. I'm curvy & men's jackets look crap on me & b. fuck that big company I don't want it now.
Listen to what I'm saying: In a country that all but literally worships profit, these places would rather lose money than clothe me or anyone larger than me.

Every woman I know carries a story in her heart about their fundamental, human worth based on two numbers: Weight & size.
And I can't do a lot about that, other than tell you that those numbers say nothing about your worth, very little about your health, and in the case of size, just straight-up nothing - other than a very damaging story about what your society wants you to think about yourself.
idk my weight & haven't since I was 18, bc I figured out young that my brain had been successfully infected w/ a lie & I couldn't do much about it, other than refusing to feed it. But I know my "size," & I know how often it's treated as some weird, ridiculous, unattainable thing.
But when you look at that pile of shirts, you can see just how big a lie that is, too.

If the clothes don't fit your body, it's not your body that's wrong, it's the clothes. I can't just say "keep shopping" bc often there's nowhere to go. But I want you to know that's fucked up.
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