It is legal for the government to sterilize people if they deem someone “unfit” to carry on the human race. There is a SCOTUS stamp of approval on it.
Eugenics is such a horrible, covered up part of American history. It’s as ingrained in our culture as flappers or jazz. The American eugenics “wave” is the reason that “The Passing of the Great Race” was written—the book that Hitler called his “Bible.”
Scientists called dishonesty, intelligence, anxiety, poverty, and even “criminality” hereditary and the SCOTUS said it was (and is!!!) legal to deem individuals “unfit” (as in, unfit to carry on human life) and sterilize them.
The US sterilized 1/3 of Puerto Rican women in the 60s-70s. ONE THIRD. Hundreds, if not thousands, of black and Latina women sterilized. 2.5k Native Women forcefully sterilized. Eugenics was an attack on women of color.
Children not even old enough to graduate kindergarten were seized from their homes and taken to literal detainment camps and were beaten, raped, and who knows what else on the premise that they were “unfit.” They were told they could leave once they were sterilized.
The many, many states that had laws in place allowing this have since repealed such, but the SCOTUS has not overturned their ruling. Which is why this is carried out in ICE detention centers, prisons, and other such places. It is legal.
Tens or even hundreds of thousands of people—mostly women—in the United States alone were sterilized because some white men thought Darwin wanted genetic purity for the future of the human species. Many were not informed.
A lot of this information is from “Why Fish Don’t Exist” by Lulu Miller, a great memoir/biography that has me livid and questioning so many things and doing my own research. Anyways screw the government and American/modern society for covering this all up.
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