This year, for Black History Month, I'm going to highlight some of my favorite Black accounts here on Twitter that I follow and why I think they're making history today (and why you should follow them too). I'll add to this thread daily. I encourage you to follow, listen, learn.
1. Has to go to @KosherSoul. Not only is he mishpocha, but his work as a culinary historian of Black foodways in America is extensive and fascinating. Check out his book "The Cooking Gene" and follow him for humor, food, Judaism, and the way he rocks stocking fashion.
2. Rabbi @isaamastoll is one of my rabbinic colleagues, sang one of the sheva brachot at my wedding, and is not only a consummate scholar of Torah, but a deeply kind and humble human being. You can feel Torah in her presence and she does it with great humor too. Follow her!
3. @afrodesiaq, who is on fire today. They have a clear voice for the marginalized and tweet about justice, some Jewish stuff, and disability rights. Follow them, send them happy pet pics, and learn a lot. Sample great thread:
You can follow @RebbeSMZ.
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