. @AOC is on IG Live rn walking through the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol. And she revealed that she is a victim of sexual assault.
@AOC says she was confronted by an angry MAGA mob at the Capitol on Monday, Jan. 4, two days before riot. Says she also had a run-in with MAGA crowd at a grocery store night of Jan. 4.
@AOC says the situation with the MAGA mob at the Capitol on Tuesday, Jan. 5 was "volatile and dangerous." Says she was feeling unsafe and took her Capitol pin off to give herself some cover.
@AOC says she had another grocery store encounter with MAGA crowd on Jan. 5 where they were sizing her up, she came to the conclusion that "it was not safe to be outside"
@AOC says there were members asking what the security plan was, and Capitol Police told House admin to "not worry... all of the plans are being taken care of, but we can't tell you the details because... that may cause a leak"
@AOC says she got her 2nd vaccine shot on Jan. 6 at around noon on Capitol Hill, headed back to office with a sore arm, then heard a booming sound at her door a little after 1pm... "i heard these huge, violent bangs on my door and every door going into my office"
@AOC says it felt "like someone was trying to break the door down"... so she hid in the bathroom of her office... opened the door, and all of a sudden she heard that "whoever was trying to get inside got into my office"
@AOC says she kept hiding behind the door of her bathroom and heard repeated yells of "where is she?" she says, "this is the moment where i thought everything was over"
@AOC: "i thought i was going to die... you have a lot of thoughts when you're in a situation like that... i really just felt like, if this is the plan for me, then people will be able to take it from here..."
@AOC is tearing up now... she says she looked through the door hinges to catch a glimpse and saw "a white man in a black beanie open the door of my personal office, and come in the door of my personal office, and yell again, 'where is she?!'"
@AOC says she heard her staffer yell for her to come out, and the man yelling for her was a Capitol Police officer, but the officer was "looking at her with all this anger and hostility"
@AOC says both she and her staffer say they didn't know whether the Capitol Police officer was there to "help us or hurt us"
@AOC says the cop yelled at her to go to another building, they weren't escorted, and they soon realized the cop just told them to go to the street level of the building, and they heard "the yells of the people trying to break into the building we're in"
@AOC says "it almost felt like a zombie movie or something"... then she ran to the fifth floor to try to find other House members, but heard a lot of yelling, and it "felt like just a matter of seconds" before they were going to break into the Capitol
@AOC says ran back down to the first floor, heard "the yells getting louder" and "the hinges cracking" as they descended, then ran to a members' office and started banging on the door... at that point she was "completely alone" and there was "no one in the hallways"
@AOC says she spotted katie porter going into her office, knocked on door and asked to shelter with her, and once they were in the office they changed into workout clothes, and staffers pushed furniture against the door to barricade themselves in, they were "bracing for impact"
@AOC says they turned off all the lights in the room, and at that point they started receiving intelligence that bombs had been found blocks from where they were
@AOC says she was "preparing... for one of the wings of the building to explode, because we had gotten intelligence that there were bombs very close to where we were"
@AOC says staffers were making decisions to put themselves in between them and "any potential danger that would break into that room"
@AOC says she was left wondering if the Capitol Police officer "was trying to protect [her] or not," or "put her in a vulnerable position." but that she's not sure and not trying to "pass judgment"
@AOC says she doesn't know which details she can share but eventually found out what the extraction point was, and found out that all members of congress were being directed to the same point... says they chose to stay in the room instead b/c were skeptical
@AOC says they were barricaded in katie porter's office for maybe "five hours" and that she "didn't feel safe... ok or secure at any point that day"
@AOC says she then walked over to "my sis ayanna pressley's office" where she got something to eat; katie porter was also there
@AOC says there are "other details" to share but she's "not ready for that right now..."
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