1) At our launch event for Fundwise (1st pub), we were discussing how IR leaders have had to get creative with their communication strategies with LPs during COVID. One of our panelists mentioned they bought a @BookCameo to send to one of their LPs and it was a huge success.
2) Here's one of our advisors agreeing with how great Cameo is in the chat afterward. I would like to know if David Hasselhof was filming shirtless and in a red bathing suit, but that's beside the point.
3) I still remember when @Mr312 told me about this idea he had for a custom celebrity video platform and I’d come up to visit (distract?) him at @1871Chicago when it didn’t even have a name yet.
4) Fast forward < 4 years and they’ve now fulfilled more than 1 million Cameos and bookings are growing 350% YoY. Not only that, 2020 was their best year to date ($100 million in GVM) at a time when many companies are floundering🤯🤯🤯
5) What's most impressive, is that they've reached this success DESPITE being run by all Duke alums. CC: @Arthur_Leopold @devonspinnler
6) It's ironic I made a typo when I'm making disparaging remarks about Duke. GMV******
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