A thread on #covid19bc update & #bced, Feb. 1, 2021:

@richardzussman @globalnews Thank you for asking whether @CDCofBC would provide more rules around overall testing & masks, considering the possible variant exposure in a Maple Ridge high school.

Too bad Dr. Henry avoided the opportunity to give #bced the *same protections* as other public places, even though there is now worry of variant exposure in a school.

Variants that spread faster & have some vaccine evasion.

#MaskDistanceVentilate #ProtectionNotPlatitudes
DBH: "I do think it is important to enforce the mask-wearing that we have in the school setting, particularly in light of the variant."

#bced: But that's the problem! THERE IS NOTHING TO ENFORCE. What mask-wearing policy is there??? That's what we are asking for!! đŸ„ș
@Zahra_Premji @cbcnewsbc Thank you for asking DBH, "Do you plan to add more protocols in schools, like rapid tests or mandatory masks in classrooms, and if not, why not?" Much appreciated, especially as DBH didn't fully answer @richardzussman's question.

Again, DBH's answer didn't match reality. "If you look at the safety plans for schools, masks are part of it."

#bced: Only in middle & high school hallways and buses, Dr. Henry. The reporter specifically said CLASSROOMS. Are you paying attention at all??
Re: testing, DBH's answers were hard to understand. "Good for giving a sense of what's going on but not accurate on own." "Schools are not an environ where rapid testing would be the 1st choice...where they would be useful."

#bced: We just want testing of close contacts!!
@klassen87 @CFJC_Today Thanks for asking "At what point would you consider shutting down a school, especially when there are several cases (in that school) in a short period of time?

DBH: "Local MHO works with the school to make sure we know who is in contact with who".

#bced: How can you say that you "work with the school" when teachers are not interviewed in the contact tracing process? See thread:
8/ https://twitter.com/jheighton3/status/1351419478681112588?s=20
Concl'n: Despite efforts of 3 reporters asking whether BC will adopt safer measures in #bced schools, DBH & @CDCofBC are waiting for...what? Exponential spread?
Newsflash: #NewVariants are ravaging countries around the🌍. Don't you think kids & staff need better protection?
Adding this:
Meanwhile Ontario is beefing up their rapid #COVID19 testing program in schools and making masks mandatory for Grades 1-12.

BC?? Zilch.

https://twitter.com/ann_rees/status/1356278069820997648?s=21 https://twitter.com/ann_rees/status/1356278069820997648
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