I spend a lot of time with exvangelicals and often, I get a very strong energy that they are eager to join in the resistance. They want to march and carry signs and call their representatives and call out their relatives and challenge the status quo. I commend all that AND...
I often see this happening without the necessary work of trauma recovery and an awakening of self effectiveness. I often see exvangelicals walk into "progressive" spaces and fall into the very same oppressive and suppressive patterns they seek to escape...
simply because they haven't done the recovery work it requires to exist outside of a cult-like environment. I say this in love and also as a call that we, as folks interested in liberation, understand the role we play as oppressors. What I know as a white woman is that it
is a real human experience to be both oppressor and oppressed at the same time. Deconstructing from toxic religion doesn't mean that you have rejected the "wrong" and discovered the "right." It means you're on a journey - a never ending journey.
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