No one is going to fix your poor metabolic health for you. 88% of US adults are not metabolically healthy. The US Gov't/USDA has given bad advice for 40+ years and shows no signs of making changes 1/
The food industry has taken advantage of the Gov't bad advice and created a toxic food environment with only one concern: increasing profits by keeping you hungry and addicted to processed food 2/
The pharmaceutical industry is interested in profits from you being unhealthy and requiring more medications 3/
Most Physicians and other healthcare professionals don't have the resources (or are afraid) to fight the system nor the knowledge how to do so 4/
Only YOU can decide to take back control of your health. Commit to making the changes necessary to get yourself metabolically healthy. Search for doctors/other HCPs that can partner with you in this journey and educate you to alternatives to the mainstream messaging 5/
Take Back Your Health and do not let anything/anyone stand in your way of doing so!
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