Yes on a talent level Maddison is miles above L2 level but theres a reason he's at that level now when he should in his prime. He's an individualist, he needs incredibly careful management, is a passenger defensively & his off field antics are questionable to say least.

At Posh he had a team built round him for most of his time. He also had a management structure that was willing to ignore a lot of the bad. Some of the things he did on the pitch were incredible, his numbers in terms if assists were outstanding, but with hindsight maybe his
Amazing individual numbers were to the detriment of the team. He always had to go for a wonder pass/shot & had next to 0 ball retention. Since leaving Posh hes found structures which haven't been so generous in catering his talents. Get him motivated & give him freedom he will
Tear up L2 as he's head & shoulders above that level purely on a talent level. But there's also a possibility that he falls out with the manager and alienates himself again, it happened very quickly at Charlton....
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