This! ⬇️

I'd also add that it is biphobic to assert that bis don't experience comphet ourselves, because that is erasing those of us that have from our experiences and terminology we use to describe that!!!
Further, if a character has no canon queer identity but has exhibited xyz behavior, declaring that everyone has to interpret them as abc identity is harmful to every queer person because it puts us in prescriptive boxes. Many of our experiences look very similar from the outside
Where's the line between observable behavior from a het trans man and a cis lesbian? Between a bi woman who's mostly into women and a lesbian? Between an aroace and a closeted pansexual? There isn't one!
Some bi people suppress their "gay" or "straight" attraction depending on context. Some gay men are comfortable flirting with women without meaning anything by it. Some ace people make raunchy jokes or even have sex!
It is, again, utterly pointless and absolute bullcrap to declare that a fictional character with no canon identity IS or HAS TO BE interpreted as a specific queer identity just because you read them that way. Your headcanon is not more valid than someone else's.
And on the other side, it IS erasure to claim that a character who DOES have a specific identity *is not* that identity because of whatever bizarre metric you make up. Fictional characters don't have to show xyz observable behaviors to be canonically any queer identity.
This also doesn't mean canon queer characters cannot be critiqued by queer fans, but that's yet another can of worms to argue over some other time.
Anyways good thread OP
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