Our school board meeting is underway and NBC is there working on a hit piece to smear parents who’ve objected to the board breaking TX Open Mtgs Act, hiring a PR firm and refusing PIRs, all to bully residents into funding CRT as curriculum.
It’s interesting that the school entered into a deal with @sunwestpr and then suddenly hit pieces about community members began appearing everywhere. Magically, NBC is now sending cameras to our school board meeting. Of course, we can’t see invoices, so it’s all a mystery.
The CRT proposal included establishing punishment for students who commit microaggressions — defined in the draft plan as "Microaggressions are defined as everyday verbal or nonverbal, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional”
Parents are right now blasting the $8,500 retainer given to @sunwestpr (the language of the letter to the school board is insane) and the school's refusal to share invoices. Mother speaking now is a journo speaking out. "Taxpayer money was used to slander parents ..."
The sad thing is that those who've objected have had their property vandalized, kids bullied -- one kid who runs a lawn service so he could by his own truck (single dad household) reportedly had adults trying to run down his service's ratings because he spoke out.
People are asking me how a town in Texas got to this point with Marxist CRT curriculum. The answer is that no one watched the school board. Numerous seats were filled by unopposed candidates. That's exactly how it happened.
The NBC producer who reached out to our city is @kaylamc1 who is at the board meeting tonight. Hopefully @sunwestpr releases invoices on this; I'd hate to think our school board hired a PR company to attack our community after they violated TX Open Mtgs Act.
A mom and former teacher at the mic and is blowing up the corrupt school board with receeeeeeipts right now. HOO BOY. I doubt she will be approached by NBC to give her legitimate criticisms of the board and objections to their CRT proposal.
Apparently NBC is out talking with proponents of the CRT and supporters of the corrupt board while moms and dads are taking the board to task at the mic right now.
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