Ten lessons that the forces ingrain into you before you become a civvy.

1. "No plan survives contact with the enemy" - You may have things mapped out but life will change so learn to adapt and keep moving forward.
2. "Soldier on" - Life is tough, it will hurt and you will suffer but you must not stop. Strength comes from never quitting.
3. "Character building" - When you go through challenges and come out the other side you are stronger for it. Hardship is there to be destroyed.
4. "Five minutes before" - You are part of something bigger, if you are not where you're meant to be at the allotted time then others will suffer. Plan ahead and be ready to go.
5. "Buddy, buddy system" - Look after your mates and they will look after you when you need them most.
6. "It is what it is" - Some things can't be changed. Expect it, accept it and move on with your life.
7. "The thinking rifleman" - You are not just a cog in a machine, you offer something. Never be afraid to share an idea, it may be the difference between failure and success.
8. "Train hard, fight easy" - Push yourself hard in all aspects of life, expect and prepare for the worst so that when the unexpected does happen you are ready for it. Always have a Plan B, always think ‘what if..?’, always look for the quickest and best route out of a room.
9. "Prior Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performance" - If you have no idea what you are trying to achieve then you won’t achieve it. Making a plan enhances odds of success, think disasters things through beforehand and you will be more prepared should the unexpected happen.
10. "Fire Support" - You cannot go it alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, you can always be stronger for it if you are greater than the sum of your parts. Unless you are sometimes called to go it alone. In which case, shoulder the burden, don’t whinge and crack on.
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