💥I got ahold of the Dec 22 2020 transcript from the DC Court. Steve Bannon v @FTC who are asking the court for a civil investigative demand to have Bannon testify under oath about his involvement with #CambridgeAnalytica💥


DM me for the transcript (I had to pay for it)
First, appreciation to Judge Cooper who highlights Bannon's weird reason for asking for an extension to retain counsel. Quinn Emanuel (firm) fired Bannon (after his "heads on pikes" comment made on War Room Pandemic) in his NY criminal case, yet still represent him on this case??
This transcript isn't Bannon's "under oath" testimony but gives us insight into the @FTC's thinking. Asking the court for a civil investigative demand (CID) to get Bannon to testify on what he knows about #CambridgeAnalytica/Facebook data harvesting and if he still has that data.
FTC not messing around. Bannon has repeatedly asked for an extension that the FTC say is an attempt to stall their proceedings. Bannon counsel assert that testimony he gives before the FTC could damage his NY criminal case.

Hard to keep track of all the cases against him 😆
Insight into the FTC here. FTC reiterate their strong desire to complete their "investigation" likely indicating Bannon isn't the only witness they've asked for documentation. Redacted annexes of the FTC's complaint indicate they are also relying on other further evidence.
FTC states that they are interested in getting to the "bottom of Cambridge Analytica's deceptive conduct...learning where data has been transferred, who it's been shared with, and whether it still exists."🔥🔥🔥
Bannon's counsel using the argument that the pandemic prevents Bannon being able to appear in front of the FTC.

PLEASE. The guy who spreads conspiracy theories about Covid and never wears a mask on his show now cares about Covid?

Judge Cooper: Just appear remotely then.

What we know from December. Judge grants FTC's right to enforce their CID (civil investigative demand) and compel his testimony. Watch this space and look out for whenever the transcript of his testimony comes out because that will be 🔥🔥🔥.
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