HEY FAM! It's easy to come here and talk about wins--but what about fails?

Last Friday I launched a new SLO funnel--annnnnd it has made $0. Not a single sale.

(don't know what a SLO funnel is? Watch this video:

TAKEAWAYS (cont'd)
1 - Don't expect everything (or anything) to always work perfectly right off the bat.
I'm not giving up on this product, or the funnel even.

2 - One should always have a "trash budget" when running ads to a new product/funnel.
Meaning--expect to be throwing that money away. Completely. What you're buying is DATA, though. What's working, what's not? How can you adapt/change things and actually make it profitable?

3 - Not every project will be a win--no matter how experienced/skilled/knowledgable/etc you are.
I mean let's be frank--I'm awesome. SO awesome. MUCH awesome. But even I fail half the time (orrrrr more), and so will you. What matters isn't the fails--it's the wins.

Keep your head up and in the game.

We got this.
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