It's fun arguing with woke white liberal types, because I can shatter all of the arguments they automatically expect me to agree with, and they can't just get away by calling me 'racist' like they would if I shared their complexion. 🤣

They have absolutely no idea what to do.
I once had a stranger try to appeal to me by talking about how we need race based affirmative action & quotas in the UK to 'increase diversity' and 'give black people a chance' because of 'systemic oppression'.

Man got eviscerated. I ALMOST felt bad. He was only 20 bless him. 🤣
But I did him a favour ultimately, because he needs to know he can't just go through life repeating NPC talking points unchallenged and getting pats on the back for it.

These types always say 'educate yourself' so they must be forced to practice what they preach. 😁
Fools will read one book in uni and think they know the entire experience and perspective of every single black person on the planet. 😅

I can't allow that. Lol.
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