if you’re thinking of writing a trans character and concerned about getting it wrong, here’s some stuff to keep in mind 🧵
make a compelling character first. Give them flaws! Make them messy! Perfectly pure and moral characters are flat and boring. Give your trans character room to grow and change, just like any other character.
avoid making a story centered around a character’s transition if you aren’t trans. Transition is so nuanced, it’s tough for cis ppl to get it right. It’s obviously part of their life story but it shouldn’t be the main focus. let trans ppl tell those stories
consult with MULTIPLE trans ppl at different stages/drafts of your project! multiple perspectives are important, bonus points the closer the consultant is in identity to your character. And remember to PAY THEM for their work!
(the point of consultants is to help you avoid harmful tropes, but they can also add insightful nuances to your character. Stuff that only trans ppl think of on a day to day basis)
if your project involves a team of people, make sure to hire trans writers/artist and LISTEN TO THEM. Like consultants, they will enrich your project.
that’s pretty much it! Go forth and write trans characters, we need more of them!
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