You're hilarious, @realchrisrufo.

I can think of 20-30 people, me included, who've done more to "put wokeness on the map" than Lindsay (I was writing about it in 2014).

Also cute that it's "sanctimony" not to hitch your wagon to the guy who tried to openly steal an election.
Also: I "hated" your accomplishments of exposing out-of-control "wokeness" in institutions? Really? Then why did I highlight your work in Newsday & @arcdigi? and RT your threads on Twitter? That's an out-and-out lie.
(Btw, while I think you've documented some important and genuinely bad stuff, I've also found that you have a habit of cherry-picking and taking things out of context, as I documented in my @ArcDigi piece.)
If your "conservatism" boils down to "screw integrity & moral values, it's all about WINNING!", be my guest. That said... did you notice that you guys LOST? and were clearly headed for a loss in September, meaning that the EO you were so proud of was basically DOA?
Not to mention that it was passed by a president who couldn't even explain during a national televised debate what the problem with "woke" diversity training was, except to produce a word salad about "teaching people to hate America."
FWIW, for all my Never Trumpism, I defended Betsy DeVos's Title IX reforms. Why? Because she went about it the right way, with hearings & well-informed advocacy. And those reforms will probably prove a lot harder to jettison than the diversity training EO.
Btw, I specifically addressed your claim that I have no practical suggestions beyond "tut-tutting." But those ideas would require actual work, advocacy, & reaching out across political lines. I realize a Trump EO by way of Tucker Carlson is a lot easier.
Anyway, I'm sorry you've morphed into a dishonest jerk, because I actually do think you were doing important work in exposing runaway "wokeness" in institutions. Heck, I'll still cite what primary documents you dig up. But too bad about the Trumpist brain rot. Cheers.
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