5 Simple Reasons Why You Are Hated By Some.


First of all, get comfortable with the fact that if nobody hates you for some reason, then there just might be a problem.

Every justification for hatred is connected to these simple facts👇👇👇
1. They just wish they could be YOU.

These guys are high on cheap Ego and Pride.

This is their lame manner of saying you are cool, legit, and just good at what you do.

They can't just bring themselves to say: "Man/Girl, I love what you do, keep it up. I'm learning from you!!
They love your energy and hate your guts at the same time.

C'mon, you are pulling off what they have no balls to pull off.

They wish they could become a clone of You.

Your spirit vexes their demons
2. They Just Hate Themselves.

For some reason, people are not comfortable in their own skin, they can't stand themselves and by extension, they can't stand others.

It's no fault of yours.
3. They See You As A Necessary Evil.

Just as Fools will never feel safe in the company of the Wise and Vis Versa, some people will hate you because you can never share their belief and way of life.

Again this is no fault of yours.
4. You Are Always Honest.

Not everyone is strong enough to handle the truth and so generally some will hate you for this.

If telling the truth will make you unsafe or ruin your reputation or cause general headaches, keeping Quiet is always an option- Jonathan Bennett.
5. You Are Too Strict and Principled.

While it's not bad to live by principles, it's fair to understand that not everyone is like you.

In order to work with others you have to be flexible and willing to teach them your way.
Now, the goal is not to be liked by everyone, but to be a better version of yourself every passing day.

For some, it's possible to change their perception of you by making some adjustments while nothing can be done for others.

Waste no time trying to get everyone's approval
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