One of the most consistent features of twitter, and the world generally now, is how much of the worst behavior comes from people acting under their own names, precisely because that behavior has gained them institutional backing. It is moderation which requires protection.
The major avenues of “disinformation” and hate in our society are major media and government, and that is independent of your particular partisan outlook. Whether it’s Fox or the NYT, Trump or Cuomo, everyone knows they’re being lied to- baldly, with a smile, from a lectern.
By contrast anonymity is one of the few shields to protect people who want to discuss matters without having to constantly play to the crowd to ensure they have sufficient support from “their side” to survive the mobbing which defines the public square.
See also:
At a broad level, what would knowing my name get you? It would mean nothing to anyone reading this and would reveal that I am pretty much what I say I am, as people from this site who have met me know. All it would do is make it easier to direct the mob. Therein lies our problem.
Calls to ban anonymity are fundamentally about allowing people with power to hurt those without for disagreeing with them, and thereby make either power or conformity the price of speaking in public. Does anyone really think the best way forward is yet more fear and inequality?
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