FWIW, I interviewed a dozen modern SaaS companies running production k8s clusters last year. Many names you know including Postmates. None of them have “true DevOps”.

DevOps did not manifest as we expected. Trying to push the ideal is probably self-defeating at this point.
First... developers and operators are still different. Still have different concerns, different incentives, different skills. It's better, but ops people aren't coders and devs aren't ops people.
Second ... it does seem like there is now a shared responsibility. Devs are responsible for their application's uptime, so that seems like a big move in the right direction.
So there seems to be a state of affairs where "DevOps" is basically: operators deploy and manage the k8s clusters and maybe some shared app infra services and devs manage the micro services (by team) they deploy on top. Everyone uses the same tools to see the deployment.
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