The London Resort theme park has passed its 1st planning hurdle - and it is a death sentence on nature in SE England. Conservationists are trying to save this amazing nature space, but with 2.5bn investments & a government committed to infrastructure projects, what hope is there?
Swanscombe includes habitats that have become rare with urbanisation along the Thames, such as chalk grassland, wetlands & brownfield. It is home to 250 insect species of "conservation concern" - that is, at risk of extinction!
Of course, there are rare plants, such as Hairy Vetchling, Round-leaved Wintergreen, Pyramidal/Man orchids. It is also an important site for bird life, from residents to migratory birds which are able to stop and feed away from the bustle of the city & nearby industrial estates.
A little film here by @zimmer_donna gives a better idea of the site, and in particular of some of the birds - many red listed - that can be seen at Swanscombe. Interestingly, more birds have been recorded there than in the nearby @RSPBRainham reserve...
Opposite campaigners, sadly, is a war machine. £3.5bn investments. 6.5 million visitors a year. 6,000 construction jobs. 48,000 jobs in its 4 hotels. 500 homes. A ferry park. A new train station. A mega shopping & conference centre. Swanscombe as a British version of Disneyland?
The London Resort said it would deliver “biodiversity net gain" by enhancing land beyond the site", "retaining" some parts & "translocate lost habitat”. Does that remind you of another recent project, where mitigation has been a con?
In public consultations, responses to the environmental aspects of the project have been globally favourable. They are remarkably well sugarcoated by the developer (so much "green" on maps!). But how does the project fit with the government's objectives of "green recovery"?
As @iantokelove very rightly says, what's even worse is the fact that the BBC, the same BBC that produces wonderful wildlife programmes such as #PerfectPlanet, #TheBluePlanet, #Springwatch etc supports the proposals 😔
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