I’ve had a lot of autistic artists contact me and ask if I think it’s best to tell agents/production companies about your neurodiversity (mostly for fear of stigma) & the answer is yes. It can be scary but in this thread I’ll offer some tips on how to go about it. ❤️🧠🎭
1. Provide a list of things personal to your needs. That way - agents and production can see what you need to perform at your best. Doing this also stops anyone guessing what you need and using their often limited knowledge of autism to jump to conclusions. tailor fit it to you.
2. Be firm in your requirements. Remember you require them because you have a disability not because you’re lazy or want more. Be firm in your stance that this isn’t you shortcutting - it’s you asking for specific things to perform at your best and equal to everyone else.
3. It can be scary to stand up for yourself in a world that’s always taught you to be the one who fits into the default. Politely but constructively correct those around you - never expect them to know already. It’s sad - but you DO have to educate - this will in time change.
4. Be honest. Be honest with your agent about jobs your probably aren’t going to want to be a part of. Know your own abilities and limitations. We all have limitations - it’s on you as an artist to know yours & stick firmly by them. No job/relationship is worth your health.
5. If you have a non compliant agent or a business relationship that simply isn’t working for you despite all this - know some people will not change their perception just yet. Walk away from any professional relationship that refuses to be educated. (I have).
6. Speak with your cast and company about your personal atoms and behaviours. Normalise them immediately. Normalise your own communication proudly.
7. Finally - if you are a member of equity and you feel you are being discriminated against chat to your rep. Just make sure that the professional company you keep is healthy for you. Call out ableism. Call it out. 9/10 it isn’t intentional - it’s a lack of education. Be proud❤️
Point 6 is meant to say Stims not atoms. Though - speak about your atoms too. Everyone should know about your atoms.
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