This film is a fully plagiarized, shot-for-shot remake of my comic. The filmmakers didn't ask me for permission to adapt my work. They didn't even notify me they were doing so until the film had already been released and was winning awards at film festivals.
They emailed me in October, when the film was making festival rounds, & asked me to HELP PROMOTE it. When I told them I didn't approve of it and asked them to pull it from festivals, they ghosted me for months. Now they've premiered it on @WeAreDN, & don't even credit me by name.
The comic they stole is deeply personal to me, maybe the most personal comic I've ever made. I drew it shortly after I left my day job because of disputes over ownership of my personal work. The comic is about self-care, reinvention, and personal growth.
They talk about working with @jaythorpe to develop the character. Did they tell him he'd signed on to plagiarized film? Did the other cast and crew know? How are they not mortified to make this and then release it online?
After ghosting me, all the filmmakers made their accounts private or blocked me. I should've known they never intended to honor my request to pull the film.

But hey, I guess it's nice to know my stories are out there winning awards, even if I'm not credited.
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