Best Investor Minds Lessons - Brad G. ♠️📒

Amidst the noise, I took a weekend to learn and listen to one of the best investors of our time I have admired @altcap!

Founder of $AGC SPAC and one of the earliest Investors in $ZG $SNOW.

Below are a few things I learned: THREAD 👇

He started out as a securities lawyer and graduated from Harvard MBA. Founded a couple starts-ups early.

In 08' - He founded Altimeter Capital, where they focus on investing in companies in the tech sector. They manage both public and private growth equity funds.
Since 2011, holding an equal-weight portfolio of his fund’s top-20 13F positions would have generated Avg. annual returns of 30%.

Brad was one of the best earliest investors that identified potentials of
$FB, $ZG , $UBER $EXPE ,Bytedance, $PDD
Before any of them became big!
My personal takeaways:

1/ At the core of his principles: Essentialism.

- He prioritizes Focus.
- Essentialism for him is being focused on doing a few things & doing them well.

- Similar to his investments, 75% of his portfolio are on his very best ideas.
- Ignores the rest
2/ Extremely focused on the long-term:

- He looks out 3-5 years, Ignores the noise of next 3-5 weeks

- Ex. Around March 19, he was actively investing in companies while many funds were freaking out. He didn't care abt the next couple of weeks rather he was looking out in years
3/ On identifying investments:

- He believes in finding companies that could be multi-year compounders, in secular growth areas while owning them in sufficient concentration to move the needle!

- Find companies where the size of the prize & the impact on the world is massive.
4/ Allow those investments to grow:

- He avoids trading around his best ideas whenever there is a short-noise around earnings or news

- He allow those companies to compound over years. This is how he turned $5M ---> to $11B on $SNOW! Similarly on his early $ZG and other ideas
5/ Importance of secret insights and core competence:

- He never invests in any company without having a special insight different from the consensus based off his research

- His invests primarily if its within his circle of competence and areas he feels he has an advantage.
6/ His investment themes/ideas:

- The rise of consumer applications and internet
- The potential of the life-sciences industry
- Believes we are in the early innings of the Cloud & digital transformation
- Growth of the consumer & eCommerce in China
I have long admired Brad.

I think he is one of the best minds around. Its only a matter time before the FinTwit community recognizes Altimeter similarly to $ARKK.

Can't wait to see what happens with $AGC $AGCUU or the future of Alimeter.
Happy to hear your thoughts and what you've learned from Brad that everyone can takeaway - For folks striving to become better investors! :)

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