When you make something that is not the focus of the Gospel it's locus you are committing exegetical abuse https://twitter.com/iMrFreshPrince/status/1356281758283669506
The silhouette challenge is not an encumbrance to living out the otherness of the Gospel... (That we call holiness) ... "Holiness" is not simply asceticism or personal piety... Holiness is boldness to love your neighbor, pursue equity, and live out justice
The problem that we have when preachers deride secularism as an enemy... We forget ourselves... A Christian is not called from the "world" we are called into it
Jesus was found among the culture... Loving it. Lifting it. Celebrating it
The elitism that we practice in faith spaces is an anathema to substantive ministry
Again in a moment when 80 thousand people have died... Millions are sick... Millions struggling to keep their heads above water... The loaf of the gospel is not concerned with your activity on the gram... And your preaching should say so
80 thousand people in a single month! Y'all playing in water and talmbout the gram
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