Supping a nice glass of gold top from @GrahamsDairy this #Februdairy21 I reflected on the recent Oatly ad campaign that decided to promote its product by taking a swipe at UK dairy by using global dairy, in order to sell a plant based drink specifically in the UK (mini🧵 soz)
I am not surprised that a firm was trying to make a name for itself in the plant based realm - we know that food firms (even meat processors!) and retailers see it as a growth area, especially in that it can be high margin & low cost processed
Until now not too many firms have made an active swipe at livestock to try and promote their product, fewer have doubled down and try to justify their campaign to farmers, researchers. Will it be more commonplace?
TBH I doubt it. 1. UK public dont like mean spirited campaigns that try and disparage other sectors, especially those that are, by consumption data, popular. Meaning you are taking a swipe at a lot of people in so doing
2. The ad campaign was not so much anti dairy, it was anti over 40s. It painted older people responsible for environmental destruction, whilst only teens/Gen Z know better. I am surprised this got past the execs given the growing aging population!
2 (a) Which also reminds me of how irritating it is when people/groups/Govts at a certain point in time think they are the first to come up with something that has been recognised/known for some time. Climate change is one such thing and Boomers et al were aware of it long ago
3. New plant based products often have a lot of money and ad-people behind them to make very alluring packaging and interesting products. Dairy is doing some great stuff ( @tom_levitt will be able to explain way more) but can it and meat do better in changing consumer market?
4. Consumers like positive messages that make them feel it is worthwhile buying a product. Instead of taking aim at UK or global dairy, a far more positive campaign could have been made. Many cant drink dairy and many choose not to for informed reasons. We should accept that.
However given only 0.6% of the UK population follow a vegan diet (despite 3% of UK pop *claiming* they are vegan(!)) , the emerging multiplicity of plant based foods and drinks are going to have to do better to appeal to the 40+ year olds, not scorn them
I have been helpfully pointed out a number of UK companies that use British oats for oat drinks like @provitamil & @GlebeFarmFoods . This to me seems a far more positive story for those who choose or cannot consume dairy.
NB. oatly sources its products from all corners of the globe (!) ⬇️

Concl - It is perhaps better then to focus on the positives (whatever they may be) of one's own product; making a pitch to sectors of society that may not be choosing your product - as opposed to scorning them.
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