I read this entire interview and I really found it quite fascinating. From the fact that Peterson was clearly a mediocre academic until he realise he could be famous by becoming an anti-woke spokesperson for the alt-right to his completely deranged daughter and their dynamic. https://twitter.com/thesundaytimes/status/1355819167073644544
Peterson is certainly not the first academic to crawl under relative obscurity into the spotlight by waging war against “wokeness” and social justice activists. We can see this trend with a ton of people. Want to be famous? Become “anti-woke”.
As social justice activism breaks through in the mainstream and as it becomes less and less popular to be a racist, misogynist, or whatever under the guise of “free speech”, we’re gonna see more of Peterson type grifters. The obsession with “wokeness” isn’t going away.
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