SO I know there’s been a gazillion threads on this, but I’m supposed to teach 3 classes next quarter with no childcare & aside from concerns about how on earth *I’m* going to do it, I’m actually very worried about how burnt out my students will be at this point in the pandemic 1/
Plus, my classes are all on politics and violence w/special attention to race, gender, class, and so on. I fear it will be a lot for them. I want them to succeed. I don’t want them to feel overwhelmed. I want our classes to be places (zoom spaces?) where they feel supported & 2/
able and eager to learn. What have you found truly helpful while teaching this last year? How have you managed time and reading requirements? How have you organized your undergrad lectures (mine will have ~300 students) vs your grad seminars (~6-10). I’m here for all of it. 3/
If you’re a student, please chime in, too. What assignments have helped? What’s been too much? If you’re a grad student, what kind of support do you need from your seminar profs right now, not just your advisors. Don’t hold back! I’m here & eager to learn and I want to do 4/
my best to make sure all my students’ final classes in this very shitty year are as helpful for them as possible. Many of my undergrads, especially, will be seniors. My heart aches for them to have to do this online. Grad students will be preparing for another summer of 5/
likely no fieldwork. Links to threads, articles, videos, all of it, are welcome. Thank you in advance (I know in many ways this is asking for even more labor!). If I end up getting a lot of replies, I’ll try to put it all in a shared document somewhere. Thank you thank you 🙏🏻 6/6
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