Short thread on Biden's COVID relief plan vs. GOP Senators' plan:

Median income here in western PA is around 60K, meaning half our people make that or less. If you're in/close to that group, there's no question which COVID release proposal is better for you. (1/)
Biden's proposal gives you:

-$400 more right away
-at least $1K more in child tax credit
-$100 more in unemployment for 3 months longer
-Protection from getting foreclosed or evicted
A lot of people have lost jobs or had hours cut through no fault of their own. No one knows for sure how long that will last.

Keeping these people afloat & in their own homes isn't "too expensive" — it's a necessary wartime measure in the battle against COVID.
The cuts in the GOP Senators' plan come from those same people who make around $60K or have lost jobs.

They have some good ideas on vaccination & I'm glad the Biden admin is working with them in the spirit of unity.

But unity doesn't determine the outcome here. (4/)
Our job is to fight for workers & the middle class.

The GOP takes from them after giving to big companies all year. You can't cover that up with unity or bipartisanship.

It's just not good enough.
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