At the start there was a steady stream of people. Most were happy, a few scared, many relieved. It went very quiet early afternoon: some people hadn’t turned up. The manager said that there was a problem particularly among ethnic communities being scared by anti vax material.
This material is targeted at them. The practice is in the heart of one of London’s most diverse communities and we did get a big mix of people. Because it was so quiet, people hit the phones to invite the next tranche of people to come.
They were also sent text messages saying, ‘come today!’ And suddenly it was packed, people were queuing down the street. These were mainly people aged 60-70 who hadn’t expected to get the vaccine so quickly. They were thrilled, some giddy with excitement.
The doctors were getting through them in about five minutes: in/ out in/ out. The only hold up was - because it was Pfizer - they had to stay for 15 mins to be checked so the waiting room was filling up.
The practice is so far vaccinating around 300-500 people a day and there was a competition between the doctors - they all wanted to get over 100. From Thursday, when they get the AZ jab, they are planning to get through 1000 as no waiting at the end is required.
At one point doctors were running to the fridge to get the precious vials while the patients looked bemused. It was wonderful.
By 5pm the queue had ended but there were 11 vials left: another quick round of calls for people who could get there in 20 minutes. Phew. It was amazing to be part of the national effort. I left cold but buzzing.
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