Three things:
1. Holocaust/Shoah denial and Hitler apologia is violent and genocidal, regardless of who you are. Yes—it’s genocidal even if the Hitler/Nazi apologist is Black.

2. The Holocaust is every Jewish person’s business. You—the non-Jew—are stepping into OUR lane. 1/2
3. Black Holocaust deniers/revisionists should get dragged—always. HOWEVER, white Jewish folks should not be singling out Black Holocaust deniers over the endless stream of white antisemites/Shoah deniers/Hitler fans. Also, let Black Jews speak for ourselves. 2/2
What happens too often on this app (and everywhere really) is that white Jews seek out Black folks’ antisemitism and Holocaust denial, and then use that genocidal antisemitism to smear all Black people as Jew haters. This guilt by association harms Black Jews/Romani folk too!
BLACK PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND TRAUMATIZED BY THE SHOAH. I cannot emphasize this enough. Black Jews/Romani people were slaughtered. Black Christians were murdered. Black Jewish Americans lost European family to the camps. I need white Jews and gentile Black folk to get this.
Y’all don’t recognize Black people as Shoah victims and survivors, and that is pathetic. And what kills me the most that Holocaust education in the USA is so racist, so incomplete, and so imperialist-centered that Black students never learn that Hitler killed Black people too.
Black gentile folk: Holocaust denial is antisemitic AND antiblack. You are pissing on the graves of the Black Jews and other Black Europeans that the Nazis slaughtered. YOU ARE DEFENDING THE NAZIS’ GENOCIDE OF BLACK PEOPLE. I need you all to get that.
Centering Black people means centering all Black people: Black Jews, Black Romani people, the Black communities lost to the Nazis. Honoring Jewish survival means that we stop framing Jewish history as an story of white victimhood. That narrative is antisemitic and fucked up.
No more antiblack Holocaust erasure, please. No more Holocaust denial, Hitler apologia, or Third Reich revisionism. No more white-centered, white apologist Jewish history. No more white goyshie centered Holocaust education in our schools. No more fucking whiteness.
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