Some important news about CTP: After a year of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting COVID-19 data for the United States—and months of preparation for what we’re about to announce—we’re ending our data compilation work on March 7.
We didn’t come to this decision easily, but we have believed from the very beginning of the project that the work of compiling, publishing, and analyzing COVID-19 data for the US properly belongs to federal public health agencies.
The CDC and HHS are now publishing data that is much more comparable to the figures we have been compiling from states since last spring. Gaps and inconsistencies remain, and we will continue to analyze federal data and document what we find through the end of May.
Between now and March 7, our data compilation will continue as before, as will our daily tweets, weekly updates, and ongoing research. We’ll also be posting guidance for our data users on switching over to federal or other alternate data sources.
We began this project to hold the federal government accountable for missing data. We ended up provisioning many kinds of COVID-19 data for the US for 11 months and counting. None of this would have been possible without the meticulous labor of hundreds of project contributors.
In the midst of a year of wrenching losses, the commitment of CTP volunteers to show up every day and do this painstaking work for the good of their neighbors has been sustaining for many of us. In human terms, it’s very hard to stop doing something like this once you’ve begun.
But after months of discussion with advisors and agencies, we believe this is the right thing to do for COVID-19 data in the US, and for our people as well. Please do take a moment to read the post if you have questions.
We will be archiving everything we’ve published and publishing a lot more documentation and analysis in the coming weeks and months. We care about this data and about all the context around it, and we’re going through a very careful archive process.
One last thing—if you’ve used our data, we’d love to hear from you about how you used it, how it’s helped, or even what it’s meant to you. We’ll be back later today with the daily update.
You can follow @COVID19Tracking.
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