In respect to #BlackHistoryMonth , I want to highlight “The Black Walkout” on May 29, 1968 at the 95th annual National Conference on Social Welfare (NCSW) themed “An Action Platform for Human Welfare”. (Follow this Thread)
Several Black SWkers stormed out after highlighting the several contradictions within the organizational structure of the NCSW and demanding actions be taken to reconstruct the systems to make them relevant to the needs of the Black Community. (Keep Following)
These demands included the removal from the NCSW preamble to “not take positions on controversial issues”, requiring members of the NABSW to be apart of the board and powerful committees, and demanding Black SWkers be the ones to research, evaluate,...(Keep following)
... and speak to the Black Communities and their issues while white social workers focused on solving the problems of white racism. NABSW member T. George Silcott pledged to do these things by any means necessary. (Last one is next)
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