A5: This is gonna be a long one. There’s so much that can be done: Putting into place sponsorship opportunities for advocacy and events so BIPOC can attend. We all know that #migraine can be a very expensive disease, so I think it’s imperative they have insurance advocacy. Cont. https://twitter.com/beth_morton/status/1356312007264382980
#BIPOC patients tend to have more financial barriers. They should be explained what their insurance covers and/or assistance to help them when there’s no coverage so they are not put into more poverty when they use $$ for treatment or go into medical debt. #MigraineChat
A5: Implementing anti-racist trainings for medical staff so issues of negligence do not occur and cause BIPOC patients seeking treatment to never come back. Diversifying your boards, staff etc who run migraine organizations, offices, etc. #MigraineChat
A5: Putting events, offices etc close to public transportation and adding that information on your websites. Consider a partnership with a car share service to help get patients in for treatments/to events. #MigraineChat
A5: Advocating as doctors/patients for telehealth to stay and be covered by insurance. Two of my doctors got rid of telehealth appointments in 2020 because it was an “annoyance”. Consider how many doors you are now closing for BIPOC. #MigraineChat
A5: if you’re going to use diverse photos in your marketing, make sure you’re also representing #BIPOC in additional ways. Make sure they’re included in clinical trials, offices, etc. I do not feel represented enough in the #migraine community most days #MigraineChat
A5: Hire more #BIPOC speakers especially for nationwide advocacy efforts, drug commercials, magazine etc. And if you paid a white person for the same gig in the past, DO NOT ASK BIPOC TO DO IT FOR FREE! #migrainechat
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