Someone unsubscribed from my broadcast with a comment accusing my son of displaying narcissism and toxic masculinity because he interrupted my broadcast wanting my attention.

He is a seven year old boy who has been stuck inside this house for eleven months with a single mother.
People are really fucked up about motherhood and work.

Just really really fucked up.
It's hard for me to overstate how many comments I have gotten on this from white women over the last year.

It's one of the reasons why we really have to investigate how we internalize misogyny.

(Also, back the fuck up off my kid, because that's some serious fucking nerve.)
(And I'm not even going to dignify the accusation with a response, because my fucking god this kid is an epic model of compassion in action. If you only knew. JFC.)
OK, last comment because I'm hot.

I don't ever want to hear another "oh it's so cute!" comment about men who are interrupted by their children on international television if you're not willing to offer the EXACT SAME RESPONSE to women who have the same thing going on.

"Oh it's so cute! Oh here comes the nanny to rescue the child! Oh look how funny it is that she has to corral two kids behind him while he tries to keep talking!"

Some of you have real problems with women working and your shit is on wild display.
You wouldn't say the same thing to me if I was a man with a penis and you fucking know it.
"Hahahaha poor dad trying to do his job!"

(Folks, I am talking generally, not specifically about that incident on the BBC. This has happened countless times and it's always "cute" when it's a dad. I don't need one incident to point to because there are so many.)
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