2/6 Who said for the attack on the World Trade Center: Something must have happened from the inside. Who issued a Presidential decree to give himself powers beyond the reach of any court or judge, in order to make sure that an Islamist committee could complete a new constitution
3/6 For this Morsi, Yassin Aktay, AKP member of the parliament and head of the Turkish Group of Inter-Parliamentarian Union said: "the Turkish people see Morsi as a symbol of peaceful struggle"
4/6 Why is that? Maybe because in Turkey the brainwashing in favor of the Muslim brotherhood is keeping well and Erdogan may want to follow Morsi's steps to install an Islamic state with all the consequences for the people of Turkey and the Mediterranean.
5/6 It is natural that people of Egypt get mad at him when he speaks about the Egyptian revolution. As the Egyptian friend says, one could speak of the poverty of the Turkish people, the arrests, the problems that Turkey causes to neighboring countries https://twitter.com/NSalamouny/status/1356292098065125378?s=20
6/6 Keep up Mr. Aktay, the history will show whether you and the Turkish regime you serve can prevail
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