New study in @JAMANeuro finds the vast majority of college football head impacts & #concussions still occur in practice, not games. @ConcussionLF co-founder Dr. Robert Cantu & I wrote an accompanying editorial and frankly - we're furious. THREAD ⬇️
The study found at least 72% of concussions and 67% of head impacts occur during practice. Is this new info? No. We’ve known for 15 years that 2/3 of head hits & concussions in college football happen in practice. What has college football done with this data? Apparently nothing!
College football is on its own island of inaction:
- In 2011 the NFLPA collectively bargained for contact limits in practice. Since then, only 18% of concussions occurred in practice
- Nearly 40 states now have full-contact limits in high school football, as low as 15 min/week
We asked "Who Will Protect the Brains of College Football Players?" They exist in a regulatory no-man’s land. They have no mechanism through which to organize, they are no longer minors, and they seem to exist outside the influence of professional educators. This is inexcusable.
I don't think the voting membership of the NCAA (the colleges) will ever allow the NCAA to control the methods of their highest paid employee, the head coach.

So who will step up? Government? Will the players boycott? Will coaches change?
It's mostly on the coaches: "Concussions in games are inevitable, but concussions in practice are preventable. Practices are controlled situations where coaches have almost complete authority over the head impact exposure risks taken by players."
As a player I've had great experience with football coaches and I have friends coaching in college.

It's my greatest hope that this study and editorial sparks some leadership from within the college football coaching ranks to create change and do what's best for the players.
Because of the way we continue to practice and play football, it's guaranteed we're going to be treating college football players with #CTE for at least the next 60 years.
How about we stop it there? Time to draw a line in the sand. Reform college football practice.
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