How to Manage your time:

Philosophies of life inspired by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Stay open-minded and enjoy.

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1) Treat your time on Earth as though it were a precious resource

Time is our most valuable resource, realize the value of:

- 1 year
- 1 month
- 1 hour
- 1 second

Death creeps on time wasters, people who assume time is cheap.

When employed correctly, time becomes an amplifier
2) Don't waste time planning out your future. Live in the now.

Take the approach of each day as your last.

Do not delay happiness until your retirement.

The future is uncertain and it's not in our control.

You can only live one moment at a time,

choose to live in the moment.
3) Don't confuse existing with living.

Being busy with things we don't like it's the greatest distraction from living.

The best way you can invest your time is by investing in creating a life you love living.

Wake up early to do the things that you love, you'll feel better.

"If I change something what would it be?"

"If I had more time what are the things I could do?"

The longer you wait to start making changes,

the longer you will spend your life working to

make someone else's dream a reality.
4) Avoid procrastination by identifying possible distractions.

The human brain prefers immediate gratification over delayed fulfillment

Premeditatio Malorum: Negative visualization

Use this principle to imagine what could go wrong so we can take action and avoid distractions
The temptations of distractions are hard to resist.

Identify all possible procrastination triggers and find a peaceful place to work.

If you prepare yourself by scheduling ahead you're three times more likely to follow through.
5) Grant yourself short-term rewards for completing small segments of work.

Set small rewards for each task you need to get done.

If you like listening to music or workout say to yourself:

- I'll have a 10-minute break after 40 minutes of work
- Use a timer to track your time
6) Reminisce on your past

Time consists of three parts:

- Present: Transitory
- Future: Uncertain
- Past: Unalterable

You need to practice Introspection and self-awareness

Remembering the lessons of your past will help you to be present and see the changes that have occurred
7) Don't get bogged down in the minutiae of life

Too much time is spent in trivialities

Time should be filled with activities that are:

- Valuable
- Meaningful
- Enriching our mind, body, and soul

These must be in harmony with our vision of life.
8) Spend your time and resources in creating new memories.

Memories persist longer than grief.

Spend time with people you care about.

Try new experiences, activities, travel to a new place.

Memories from life experiences deliver more lasting happiness than things.
"You have been preoccupied while life hastens on.

Meanwhile, death will arrive,

and you have no choice in making yourself available for that"

I hope you enjoyed this thread, spread the word if you found value in it.

Stay open-minded as there is always something you can learn.

Side Hustler
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