Ok, but like seriously. I can kind of understand how people are getting discouraged by Calli's song. It's easy to look at her success and think "that's easy for her to say", but people seem to forget that everyone in HoloLive created content before being signed on. Not only that,
there are talents who had to apply MULTIPLE times before being recognized.
I understand wanting to make everything look perfect before debut, first impressions count, no doubt about that. But you need to do other things while you wait on your assets
make art, research, if you don't think you have any other talents and just want to stream, you need to start streaming. Streaming is harder then just playing a game, you need to be entertaining if you want those views and grow. Get some friends who will give you legit criticisms
so you know what you need to work on.
That being said, being on Twitter isn't particularly easy either. Twitter is great if you want to get your name out, but even greater for networking with others. As someone who struggles with that myself, it's not easy.
And I get being discouraged by other people's numbers and wanting to blame outside factors on why you aren't sky rocketing like other people are. Hell, I do it sometimes.
I'll look at our numbers and think something like
"people don't like us because Booster's a guy, and we're a couple so no one cares". If we stopped the first time we thought that we wouldn't be where we are now. Sure it's still small in comparison to others, and yeah, its possible that we would've been bigger if
we didn't announce that we're an actual couple (that's married no less!), but then I HAVE to remind myself why we started to begin with; we just wanted to play more games together and have fun. If people liked out content, cool, if we didn't, oh well.
Obviously we'd like to make money off this eventually, but that's not going to happen right off the gate. There's also the JCC factor to think about, but even if that doesn't succeed I don't think Booster and I will stop.
So I guess just to reiterate, and a tl;dr, you're literally not going to go anywhere if you don't do anything.
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