Forgive me for doing an earnest little thread about something that’s helping me A LOT with my ADHD.

A few weeks ago I RTed a tweet from the woman whose ADHD workshop I was starting. Her name is Lynne Edris. She’s an ADHD coach. 
I signed up on a whim, pretty skeptical of its utility, but figured it’s 5 weeks, 3 sessions per week, it’s free, probably somewhere in there will be something useful and if not, no harm done, good to at least try it out?
I’ve spent the last few yrs really struggling w/how to get my brain to let me work reliably. It never even occurred to me that I might have ADHD until a few years ago, &I didn’t get to a point where I was ready to actually pursue it until 2019, when I got diagnosed & started meds
My meds helped some, but the pandemic & being forced to work from home REALLY highlighted that the piece that was missing was skills & techniques for working with & around my brain function, because taking a pill was definitely not enough to keep me on track last year.
Obviously there are a zillion resources available online. There’s websites and newsletters and podcasts and books and FB groups. But I didn’t really know where to start and was pretty daunted but the sheer volume of options, just didn’t really know where to start.
So the link to this ADHD workshop by Lynne Edris showed up in some newsletter or something, and the timing was right, I was looking for some help, and I do better with some structure so a 5 week program sounded like a good option for how my brain works. I signed up on a whim.
It is not possible for me to overstate how much I have gotten out of the workshop.

I’m on week 4 and I can honestly say it has been life changing for me.

It’s a generous amount of help, FOR FREE, structured in a totally easy to manage and digest way.
It’s 3 hour long sessions a week, all available online so you don’t have to watch them live (but I do because I do better with some structure & time accountability) so if you can’t make the session it’s no big deal.

Mondays are w/Lynne, Wednesday & Friday are other speakers.
There’s a FB group that I don’t participate in bc I’m allergic to FB but I would imagine it’s helpful for people who can handle FB, lots of resources and support and a sense of community.

There’s an area to find accountability partners, if that sounds good for you.
I have cried MANY times in the last few weeks about how much I wish I’d known about the things I’m learning now when I was younger. The course of my life would be completely different.

I can honestly say that this is literally EXACTLY what I was looking for, &is changing my life
Lynne is incredibly good at what she does. The content she offers is clearly the result of years of personal & professional experience, & it’s delivered with warmth & generosity. And she’s not just offering platitudes, it’s concrete tools to transform your experience of ADHD.
The course is called Time To Thrive, it seems like it happens more than once a year, & you can also still sign up now, I think, but don’t quote me on that. I know the talks stay up on YouTube for a couple of weeks &are free, if you’re curious. (Highly recommend Lynne’s solo ones)
Lynne also has a podcast and a zillion other resources available so I’m sure just poking around and listening to stuff and watching videos could be helpful if the idea of a workshop isn’t appealing. I listened to a good ep with her and Ryder Carroll (the bullet journal guy.)
I am only making a big deal about this because I know we’re all struggling with this stuff all the time but ESPECIALLY during the pandemic. I’ve had some of my lowest points in my life this year, especially despair about what felt like my unfixable bad brain.
Lynne’s stuff might not be The Missing Piece for you!

But I can honestly say that it HAS been the missing piece for me, and has changed my life and my experience of having an ADHD brain in the last 4 weeks I’ve been doing it.

I simply can’t recommend it highly enough.
This is Lynne, she is the best.

Lynne, thank you so so so much. @ADHD_Coach_Lynn

It truly feels like I am filling in gaps that have caused me so much distress and shame and frustration. It feels like a different kind of life might be possible.
(A small side note: The goal if working on this shit isn’t to become a better capitalist productivity machine. It’s to to be able to make choices & work towards the goals & life that I want to have, not be forever at the mercy of my brain chemistry.)
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