My wife stood up to an anti masker trying to enter a store, told her to stop, the lady said ok thank you and tried to continue with her kids in tow, and my wife angrily said no don't say thank you, you need to stop and listen to that employee who is trying tell you to stop /1
The lady was taken aback and speechless went over to where the employee had been frantically offering free masks and asking them not to come in, instead of taking the masks the lady took her young kids and walked out of the store. The lady and my wife were white, the employee /2
Was of Asian descent and spoke with broken English. White people, especially White women are not used to being stood up to by fellow white people. It didn't turn into a confrontation, my wife stood her ground and just told the white lady to do the right thing, and it worked /2
White people aren't used to confrontation, especially from other white people. And heavens knows it can feel even harder being the one to take a stand, it's uncomfortable and there is few white people fear/hate more than being uncomfortable. My wife was still shaky and anxious/3
Late last night, unable to sleep, replaying it over and over in her head. She said at one point, "I don't get it, I did the right thing, I won, why do I feel so bad? It's not supposed to work this way." And my wife is a mofo boss and still had a hard time. But the important/4
Thing is that she did anyways. Us white people, especially Us white women, Need to get used to confronting our own, we are the Only ones who can. And since we legit do usually defer to each other, more than likely we are the best chance to resolve the situation peacefully/5
Brace yourselves and learn to live with being uncomfortable, people. Do the right thing and that means standing up to anyone else that isn't. Silence is complicity. We are the only ones that can fix this. We must do better. /Fin
P.s. some clarification on saying my wife is a mofo boss. She's a science teacher. Her students are ages 13-18. She's the one who talks to the cust svc reps, cuz I turn into a puddle.She has no problem effortlessly sliding into "stern teacher mode" when there is malarkey going on
P.s.s. my wife read this and wanted me to add correction, it was a white lady, her white husband and a little girl appx 5 yrs old (which upset my wife even more cuz that's such an impressionable age). The husband just followed the wife and didn't say anything
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