Here a study answering a question that 'seems' like we all know the answer, but it needed confirmation. Namely, if you've been infected, will one dose of a vaccine be more like a prime, or a boost? We all think it's like the boost.... surely.
Turns out... it's the boost (it's a mixed group receiving either Moderna or Pfizer jabs). HCW who were infected responded *incredibly* well to a single dose of vaccine. Symptomatic or asymptomatic made no difference.
Recommendations based on these preliminary results:
a) a single dose of vaccine is sufficient for patients already having had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
b) patients who have had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 can be placed lower on the vaccination priority list.

You see this, @sailorrooscout?!
Your jab is doing the job. And this study is in your state!
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