(1/6) #ClintonFoundationWhistleblowers
Friends, this is single most important thread we will have put out since launching this account in Feb 2020. Listen/learn from former FBI contractor Nate Cain, himself a fellow CFdn Whistleblower:

via @YouTube
(2/6) Beginning at 6-min mark, Nate begins to share his story while working as a cyber-security contractor in the FBI in re the Clinton Foundation and the fact that case files had been opened by the FBI re the CF dealing w/ public corruption, terrorism financing and more. Terror
(3/6) financing? Yes, at the 44-46 minute mark, Nate addresses the fact that the Clinton Foundation directed funds to terrorist organizations and received funds from countries that would not be considered friends of the United States. Think activities of these sorts fall
(4/6) under the approval of IRS authorization of a public charity? Probably not. (😉) The entire interview is riveting as Nate names names of those involved (Comey, Mueller et al). Why is the terror financing topic of such interest to our case? Let's go back to October 3, 2011
(5/6) and a hearing post 9-11 on DISMANTLING THE FINANCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF GLOBAL TERRORISM in front of the House Committee on Financial Services: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg75656/html/CHRG-107hhrg75656.htm

Who testified that day? The single greatest global expert on the topic, John Moynihan. Yes, the same John
Moynihan, my FBH partner and fellow Clinton Foundation Whistleblower.

Playing to win here, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

TY Nate Cain and patriots everywhere.

God Bless America.

#Truth + #Justice = #Freedom

Pls share this thread

(7/7) For those not aware, my partner and I are in US Tax Court as #ClintonFoundationWhistleblowers in re our case, Doyle, Moynihan v IRS.
(8/8) Typo: My partner testified to the House Committee on Financial Services not on October 3, 2011 but rather October 3, 2001. Sorry about that. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg75656/html/CHRG-107hhrg75656.htm
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