Gained some new followers these past couple days

Wanted to re-introduce myself👀

The Decade Investor name was created from my long term investing mindset

Since I started investing at 17, I have learned a lot of lessons on

•How to invest
•What to invest in
•How to build wealth over time

All through books, personal study, and many conversations
I definitely don’t know it all

I am not a millionaire

I am not even a $100,000 aire, yet😉 (is that a word? Haha)

But here is my mission:

If I wait until I have $1,000,000+, it’s too late

It’s too late for the people who should start TODAY
Every year that goes by that you aren’t investing

Is hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...

Even HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars missed out on your portfolio🤯

If I wait 20 years to teach this, it’s too late for people my age
My friends will be 40+ and would have to save...

SO MUCH MORE each year to catch up😬

I’m not saying it is too late, BUT, the sooner you start, the better🤝
What if I could be that person to get them to start today?

What if I could help them understand the POWER of compound interest?

What I could be that person?

THAT is why Decade Investor was created.

To teach, to help, to SHARE the knowledge

Not keep it a secret
And because of this page, I’ve been able to

•Help SO many people around the world
•Help numerous friends of mine get invested

And most of all, I have learned so much from others on this great app
I’ve been blessed to be able realize this power of compounding this early

And now I want to share it with you

I’ve been blessed to have play Power 5 College football

And now I want to share those lessons with you

THAT is why the Decade Investor was created
THAT is my mission

THAT is my why

And I am so grateful to have you on this journey with me

Together, we will create generational wealth

Together, we will change our financial future (while still enjoying the present)

Thank YOU for following me🙏
You can follow @DecadeInvestor.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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