When asked, "What's the worst career advice you ever received?"

Billionaire entrepreneur, and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban ( @mcuban) answered "Follow your passions."

And, thanks to Cal Newport, I agree.

Let's get into it, and what to do instead.

A thread. 🧵
"Follow your passion” is commonly touted as good advice.

But the reality is that it's a flawed clichĂŠ.

Preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work

It's dangerous advice that can lead to anxiety and chronic job hopping.
Believing that the key to happiness is identifying your "true calling" and then chasing after it with all the courage you can muster is frighteningly naĂŻve.

When it comes to creating work you love, following your passion is not particularly useful advice—it is seriously flawed.
The things that make a job great are rare and valuable.

If you want them in your working life, you need something rare and valuable to offer in return.

You need to be good at something before you can expect a good job.

Passion is rare.

It’s hard to predict in advance what you’ll eventually grow to love.

There are many complex reasons for workplace satisfaction, but the reductive notion of matching your job to a pre-existing passion is not among them.
A job pays the bills.

A career is a path toward increasingly better work.

A calling is work that’s an important part of your life and a vital part of your identity.

The strongest predictor of someone seeing their work as a calling was *the number of years spent on the job.*

There was no real shortcut to actor and comedian Steve Martin’s eventual fame

His advice?

“[Eventually] you are so experienced [that] there’s a confidence that comes out,” Martin explained. “I think it’s something the audience smells.”

The craftsman mindset focuses on what you can offer the world. The passion mindset focuses instead on what the world can offer you.

When you focus on what your work offers you, it makes you aware of what you don’t like. This can lead to chronic unhappiness.
The questions driving the passion mindset —“Who am I?” & “What do I truly love?”—are impossible to confirm.

Focus on getting really good. No one owes you a great career; you need to earn it.

The craftsman mindset will be the foundation on which you’ll build a compelling career.

Traits that make a great job great are rare & valuable. If you want a great job, you need to build up rare & valuable skills.

Abandon the passion mindset (“what can the world offer me?”) & instead adopt the craftsman mindset (“what can I offer the world?”)
Great work doesn’t just require great courage (i.e. chasing a passion), but also skills of great (and real) value.

There are three disqualifiers for applying the craftsman mindset:

Let's check them out.

1. The job presents few opportunities to distinguish yourself by developing relevant skills that are rare and valuable.

2. The job focuses on something you think is useless or perhaps even actively bad for the world.

3. The job forces you to work with people you really dislike.

Deliberate practice provides the key to excellence in a diverse array of fields.

It is a lifetime accumulation of deliberate practice that again and again ends up explaining excellence.
Let’s assume you’re a knowledge worker…

If you can figure out how to integrate deliberate practice into your own life, you have the possibility of blowing past your peers in your value, as you’ll likely be alone in your dedication to systematically getting better.
Also, make sure you do the following:

1. Focus on stretching your ability and receiving immediate feedback.

2. Take on projects that are beyond your current comfort zone.

Discomfort with mental discomfort is a liability.

Step 1: Decide What Capital Market You’re In

Winner take all (Hollywood script writer) vs. Auction (diverse collection of skills)

Start focusing on something people really care about — which is where your energy should be if you want to succeed.
Step 2: Identify Your Capital Type

In a winner-take-all market, this is trivial: By definition, there’s only one type of capital that matters.

For an auction market, however, you have flexibility.

Seek to open gates via skill acquisition.
Step 3: Define "Good"

Set clear goals.

For a script writer, the definition of “good” is clear – her scripts being taken seriously.
Step 4: Stretch and Destroy

If you show up and do what you’re told you will reach an “Acceptable level” of ability before plateauing.

Deliberate practice will push you past this plateau and into a realm where you have little competition. This practice is not always enjoyable.
Step 5: Be Patient

Look years into the future for the payoff.

It’s less about paying attention to your main pursuit, and more about your willingness to ignore other pursuits that pop up along the way to distract you.

Reject shiny new pursuits that would derail your efforts.
Let's summarize rule #2:

• There’s little evidence that most people have pre-existing passions waiting to be discovered.

• Rare and valuable skills are career capital.

• Adopt the craftsman mindset, where you focus relentlessly on what value you’re offering the world.

Control over what you do, and how you do it, is one of the most powerful traits you can acquire when creating work you love.

This is why the dream of leaving the rat race to start their own company is the perennial fantasy of the cubicle-bound.
People with compelling careers start by getting good at something rare and valuable—building “career capital”—and then cashing in this capital for the traits that make great work great.

Control turns out to be one of the most universally important traits that you can acquire.
. @DanielPink summarizes the literature: more control leads to better grades, better sports performance, better productivity and more happiness.

Giving people more control over what they do and how they do it increases their happiness, engagement, and sense of fulfillment.
Control traps:

1. Control that’s acquired without career capital is not sustainable.

2. Once you have acquired enough career capital to get meaningful control over your working life is exactly the point when you're employer will try to prevent you from making the change.
Control generates resistance.

In most jobs you should expect your employer to resist your move toward more control.

They will try and convince you to take more money and prestige instead of more control.
How do you know when you should pursue a bid for more control?

Use money as a “neutral indicator of value.”

Unless people are willing to pay you, it’s generally not an idea you’re ready to go after.

(Or, the Importance of Mission)

Missions focus your energy toward a useful goal, which maximizes your impact on the world.

People who feel like their careers matter are more satisfied with their working lives, and are more inclined to work hard.
Hardness scares off the daydreamers and the timid, leaving more opportunity for those who are willing to take the time to carefully work out the best path forward and the confidently take action.

A good career mission is similar to a scientific breakthrough—it’s an innovation waiting to be discovered in the adjacent possible of your field.

The art of mission asks us to suppress the most grandiose of our work instincts & instead adopt patience.

Try something bold if it holds the promise of making life more interesting.

Successful innovators make a series of little bets about what might be a good direction, learning critical info from lots of little failures and small, but significant wins.
To maximize your chances of success, you should deploy small, concrete experiments that return concrete feedback.

If career capital makes it possible to identify a compelling mission, then it’s a strategy of little bets that gives you a good shot of succeeding in this mission.

The Law of Remarkability:

For a mission-driven project to succeed, it should be remarkable in 2 different ways:

1.) It must compel people who encounter it to remark about it to others.

2.) It must be launched in a venue that supports such remarking.
Let's summarize rule #4:

Mission is one of the most important traits you can acquire with career capital.

By using little bets & the law of remarkability, you greatly increase your chances of finding ways to transform your mission from a compelling idea into a compelling career

Most knowledge workers avoid the uncomfortable strain of deliberate practice like the plague, a reality emphasized by the typical cubicle dweller’s obsessive e-mail checking and meeting habit for what is this behavior if not an escape from work that’s more demanding.

Rule #1 argued that “follow your passion” was bad advice, which provides the motivation for your quest to figure out what does matter.
Rule #2 concludes that the things that make work great are rare & valuable and if you want them you need rare & valuable skills to offer in return.

You have to become “so good they can’t ignore you.”

This entails acquiring career capital—likely leveraging deliberate practice.
Rule #3 argued that control over what you do and how you do it is such a powerful force for building remarkable careers that it could rightly be called a “Dream-job exilir.”
Rule #4 explained that a career mission is an organizing purpose to your working life.

True missions require 2 things:

1. Career capital, which requires patience.

2. You need to be scanning your always-changing view of the adjacent possible, looking for the next big idea.
Don’t obsess over discovering your true calling. Instead, master rare & valuable skills. Once you build up the career capital that these skills generate, invest it wisely. Use it to acquire control over what you do & how you do it, & to identify & act on a life-changing mission.
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Want to learn more from Cal Newport? https://twitter.com/ryanstephens/status/1246524255476596737
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