Lessons Learned for #Ontario from Israel’s Vaccine Rollout via the #COVID19 Science Advisory Table. Thanks for giving the opportunity to be part of this publication. https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/sciencebrief/lessons-learned-from-israels-vaccine-rollout/ - Six key learnings
1. Simple Prioritization and Vaccinating as Fast as Possible to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality - i.e. K.I.S.S. - most systems work best if they are kept simple. Simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
2. Modifications to Vaccine Transport, Storage, and Distribution - Israeli teams have received approval from Pfizer & repacked the large ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes the size of small pizza boxes, allowing for distribution in smaller numbers and at more remote sites
3. Communication Strategies and Tailored Messaging to Promote Vaccine Confidence - Hello @19ToZero
4. Multiple Decentralized Vaccination Sites to Enhance Access - just like #primarycare did in Ontario for the flu shot campaign this past fall in Ontario - No need to re-invent the wheel
5. Centralized Organization Through the 4 Established HMOs Using a Fully Integrated IT System in a Universal Health Care System - our COVAXON system should be linked to download a record of vaccination to EMRs using @OntarioEMRs Health Report Manager
6. Leveraging Community-Based Clinicians, Infrastructure, and Resources - Leveraging primary care providers, including MDs, NPs and other clinicians who have established relationships with patients is key to promoting vaccine confidence, while increasing human resources required
6 (continued) Family doctors and primary care professionals administer the majority of flu vaccinations each year in Ontario and can identify and counsel priority individuals in their practices.
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