"If you bought out a car, which turned out to be dangerous- you wouldn't be expected to take out a loan worth tens of thousands of pounds to pay to fix it." @ThangamMP kicks off the dangerous cladding debate in the Commons, adding: "I'm not hear to score party political points."
Shadow Housing Minister @ThangamMP reminds the HoC of the last time a Labour Government lost an Opposition Day vote, in 2009 over Gurka settlement. She says they didn't see it as 'non-binding' but as a clear sign they should change Govt. policy.
Housing Minister Christopher Pincher confirms that residents will not be gagged from speaking to the media, once they receive Govt. funding to remediate cladding.
Housing Minister Christopher Pincher teases that his Dept. will bring out a solution to the cladding crisis "very shortly" ... otherwise nothing new so far in his speech. Talks about how much the Govt has done to date (on ACM cladding) and says it is a very complicated problem
34 Conservatives have signed up to an Amendment to the Fire Safety Bill, demanding leaseholders be protected from the bills to remove dangerous cladding.

But Minister Chris Pincher just said the amendments "aren't sufficiently drafted"- and recommended his colleagues drop them.
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