In 1910, a man named Charles Davenport created a registry called the Eugenics Office which would be used to register the genetic background of every single man, woman and child in the world.

The purpose of this registry would be to categorise everyone by their family line, and then assign them a "genetic rating" or score. Those with the lowest value could be eliminated from the gene pool, i.e they could be removed from the planet. This is a concept called Eugenics
Essentially, eugenics is the notion by the elite that they need to eradicate who they view as the inferior social classes and racial classes
After eradicating those inferior classes, they aim to genetically engineer themselves such that those they allow to exist beneath them will never have the power to overthrow them
Now, for thousands of years, human societies have had societal structures based on the belief that the ruling classes were superior to the rest of society; that they were of better, "noble" blood. The Pharaohs in Egypt were said to be direct descendants of the gods, for instance
Today, the Rockefellers, the British and Dutch royal families, and the Rothschilds believe that they, due to their wealth, have the right to determine the course of humanity. This includes choosing who is fit to habituate the planet and who is not
The Rockefellers and co had for generations felt they were stewards of the planet, protecting it from the rising tide of the genetically inferior.. In 1954, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council ( ) The purpose of the council was:
"To help develop such changes in the attitudes [and] that within every social and economic grouping parents who are above the average in intelligence, quality of personality and affection will tend to have larger than average families."
The above clause was removed from the Population Council's charter after the co-founder wrote to Rockefeller to say: "the implications of this, while I know they were intended to have a EUGENIC implication, could readily be misunderstood as a Nazi master race philosophy"
Essentially, the Rockefellers & co. were continuing with the philosophy of creating a master race, however, they needed to word and frame it differently so as to avoid looking like Nazis. However the principle remained
For a 100 years, the eugenics movement had been studying and refining pseudoscientific theories from Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley, which they used to formulate terms like "feeble-mindedness" to diagnose poverty or criminality, "saying it was caused by "defective germ plasma".
According to author Joseph Plummer: "it’s 100% pseudo-scientific. It’s absolutely arbitrary. Something like feeble-mindedness is something that is not only not scientific, it can essentially be described in any way by the person observing wants it to be described...
Feeble-minded could mean that maybe you stutter so then you’re feeble-minded maybe, or you’re shy so you’re feeble-minded. Maybe they just don’t like the way you act so you’re feeble-minded"
By the 1920s, The Rockefeller Foundation was funding the forced sterilisation of tens of thousands of Americans they deemed "subnormals," "defectives" and "morons", like those with low IQ or physical abnormalities, including the epileptic, the blind and the deaf
In 1921, Marie Stopes, a British nurse opened the first abortion clinic in Britain ( ), and called for the compulsory sterilization of those she deemed "unfit for parenthood" and waged a campaign against what she called the "hordes of defectives"
When the Nazis forged ahead and aggressively implemented eugenics in Germany, it started getting a bad rep, so the eugenicists in America and Britain changed the terminology from eugenics to new terms like "molecular biology" developed by the Rockefeller Foundation
American Eugenics Society co-founder Frederick Osborne wrote: "Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics." To this day, the goal of eradicating those they choose to continues
By 1945, eugenicists understood the need to pursue eugenics under a different form. So the grandson of Charles Darwin's loudest cheerleader (Thomas Huxley), Julian Huxley co-founded the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and said:
"At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilisation is dysgenic instead of eugenic; and in any case, it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, will prove too great a burden..."
Huxley: "even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed..."
Along with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Prince Philip of England, and Godfrey A. Rockefeller, Huxley used UNESCO as a front to found the International Union for the Conservation of Nature ( ), and the World Wildlife Fund 
The aim of these organisations was to "harness public opinion and educate the world about the necessity for conservation". After years of education, the conclusion was there are too many humans and they are destroying the planet. Human beings are the disease. Bingo!
So in 1972, the United Nations, whose headquarters in New York were housed in a building donated by the Rockefeller family, organised the world’s first international environmental conference, the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972
In 1987, the Rockefeller-led oil industry organised the 4th World Wilderness Congress in Denver, Colorado attended by David Rockefeller and Edmond de Rothschild to "talk about the environment". Instead, this is what they proposed:
"I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process. That would take too long and devour far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, that populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program,
"...and look to the future in time frames and in results which are not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definition"
These were the words of David Lang, a Canadian banker who spoke during the conference. the "cannon fodder...“unfortunately […] populates the earth" is the general populace. You and I.
The Colorado meeting led to the creation of “Wilderness Areas,” which are vast expanses of land from which the public, the "cannon-fodder" could be excluded.
In 1992, the very first Earth Summit was held in Rio De Janeiro: 166 countries, 130 heads of state and 15,000 NGOs. This is where Edmond's De Rothschild's "World Conservation Bank" which he had proposed in Colorado was formed. This bank would "know no frontiers, no boundaries"
This bank, named the Global Environment Facilty had 18 18 “implementing partners” including the Rockefeller-funded Food and Agricultural Organization ( ), the IUCN , UNEP, and the WWF
One of the Banks' specialities is "debt-for-nature swaps," where 3rd World countries get debt relief if they open their land for environmental projects. Contractors get paid management fees, while the natives are kicked off their land and effectively wiped off the face of the map
The Rio Earth Summit formulated how the UN and its Rockefeller-funded sub-groups would operate going forward: every conclusion reached by environmentalists all across the world, science and evidence notwithstanding, had to boil down to "humanity is to blame for climate change"
In short, the Rockefellers set terms of reference and the first term of reference was the definition of climate change which was deliberately limited to only human causes of climate change, effectively eliminating all of the natural causes and natural variability...
The commission that developed policy started by making climate change policy first and then took the policy to scientists and told them to ensure that their scientific findings are in line with the policy framework. The 1992 Rio Earth Summit achieved another goal...
it completed the transformation of the eugenics philosophy, from the language of "sterilization" of the "feeble-minded" to everyone seeing humanity as a cancer that must be removed for the Earth to live!
Now ask yourself this: when a "pandemic" strikes in 2019, what motive would the oligarchs of the world, the stewards and guardians of the planet have to preserve a cancer that's killing their planet? Why would they create medicines to save the lives of the "cannon-fodder"?
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