This week's transphobic talking point is "there is barely any trans hate crime in the UK"

And, as usual, it is complete bollocks \\1
They are conflating *CONVICTIONS* with *CRIMES*

The problem is that they are orders of magnitude different because the UK is absolute shite at *prosecuting* hate crimes against trans people \\2
Population surveys indicate hate crimes against trans people are obscenely common in the UK

Galop Transphobic Hate Crime Report 2020
The scale and impact of transphobic violence, abuse and prejudice \\3
That is more than a hundred thousand reportable transphobic hate crimes in the UK every single year

But only 1 in 7 incidents are even reported to the police

There is a strong perception that there is no POINT in reporting it to the police - it might even make things *worse* \\4
Despite the high rates of physical and sexual attacks - very few are actually reported to the police

If you look at the breakdown of *recorded* hate crimes (not all, not even most, reports are recorded as actual crimes - many are recorded as 'incidents')

By the time hate crimes make it this far down the funnel, we are down to "only" about 2540 for England + Wales \\6
So we reach *prosecutions* - and the funnel just utterly collapses

Only *3%* of violence against the person offenses, *5%* of public order offenses and*5%* of criminal damage and arson hate crimes are even prosecuted \\7
So we go from over a hundred thousand transphobic hate crimes *committed* every to less than 100 *prosecutions* - and even fewer *convictions* \\8
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