I just want to repeat for people sharing this: it is a consultation, not a petition. Copy and paste responses will be thrown out. Do use templates to add context to your response, but make them personal. If you can reply from an org or "expertise" that will add value. https://twitter.com/NMRLPH/status/1356027699895152640
The deadline is the end of Feb so you have time to write something. Little is ever achieved from simple click-based action. A win here would be widening the scope of inclusion in toilet provisions, &more that that a focus on what safety means in public toilets for all.
knowing that this is happening helps to raise awareness about the toxic transphobic landscape in the UK and its obsession with symbolic attacks on us. But our responses should be based in our material needs: safety.
Here’s a guide from @Genderintell https://twitter.com/genderintell/status/1356292573330108417
Important thread here on the damage getting sucked into an outrage cycle on trans issues can do to trans people, those acting in solidarity and the issues/campaigns themselves. Please go slow everyone! https://twitter.com/HarryJosieGiles/status/1356236797546790912?s=20
You can follow @NMRLPH.
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